Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I stumbled across these funny little tubers called Crosnes at the Union Square Greenmarket last weekend. I grabbed a handful before even looking at the price ($20/lb – yikes!).

I did a little bit of internet research and found out that they are a member of the mint family. They can be sautéed, fried, pickled, and even eaten raw. They’re originally from China and are sometimes called “Chinese Artichokes.”

When I showed them to Matt, he started calling them mealworms. I found a better nickname for them online: “butter sluts.”

I decided to sauté them to go with our dinner on Sunday. I put them in some piping hot butter and olive oil with a sprig of rosemary for just a few minutes and sprinkled liberally with salt.

They were very good! They had a similar texture to a potato, though not quite as starchy. The best way I can think to describe them is a cross between a potato and an artichoke. I think they would be really, really good pickled. I’m going to have to try that next.

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